The Spooky Old Tree “Three Little Bears, one with light, one with a stick, and one with a rope! A spooky, old tree! Do they dare go into that spooky old tree? Yes, they dare!” These are the opening lines from one of my favorite...
Bedtime HistoryThe Invention of Lego and the History of Ole Kirk Christiansen for Kids
Learn about the history of Ole Kirk Christiansen and the invention of Lego by he and his sons.
History of Milton Bradley for Kids
Learn about the famous game designer, Milton Bradley.
History of the Chicago World’s Fair for Kids
Learn about the World’s Columbian Exposition held in 1893.
History of Jim Henson for Kids
Learn about Jim Henson, the talented puppet designer who created the Muppets and many Sesame Street characters.
History of the Titanic for Kids
Now close your eyes and imagine you are sitting in a small submarine descending far below the Atlantic Ocean. Out the window you see the deep, dark blue water lit up by the spotlights from your submersible. You’re going deeper and deeper, further down toward the...
History of Bicycles for Kids
Until the 19th century, horses were the easiest and cheapest way for most people to get around, other than on foot! But in the early decades of the 19th century, strange things began happening. The summer of 1815 never seemed to come. It was cold and rainy in July....
History of Nintendo: Fusajiro Yamauchi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Gunpei Yokoi and Shigeru Miyamoto For Kids
Have you ever heard of Super Mario Brothers or the Legend of Zelda? Have you ever played these games on Nintendo? Nintendo is a household name across the world, but it didn’t start out that way. And most people don’t realize the Nintendo company has been around for...
History of Dragons for Kids
Have you ever made up a magical creature in your daydreams? What would your creature be like? Would it be gentle or fierce? Friendly or unfriendly? Would it have magical powers? Maybe it would have a mix of parts from different animals, like the body of a bull, the...
History of Unicorns for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a beautiful forest. It’s late in the evening, and you’ve decided to take a calming walk through the trees. You see a shape moving through the trees ahead, rustling the leaves as it leans down to drink from a pond. The silvery...