Have you ever sat outside on a dark night and stared up at the stars, wondering what’s out there? It’s not always possible in the city, but if you get away from the lights, on a very dark and clear night, you can see thousands of stars. People have watched the stars...
Bedtime HistoryThe History of Marie Curie for Kids
Imagine you are in Europe. The year is 1895 and you live in Poland. Life is changing quickly at this time. Many people have been moving to cities for work or to America to start a new life. But you are a happy child, loving life with your four older siblings. Your...
History of Thomas Edison for Kids
Take a moment to cover your ears so you can't hear anything. How does it feel to not be able to hear anything? It would be difficult to know what was going on and to be able to communicate with others, right? Tonight, we are going to talk about a very successful...
History of Albert Einstein for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine a short man with gray and white hair that sticks up off his head and grows in all directions. He has a big mustache and wears a coat that is rumpled, pants that are short, and socks that don’t match. But he has a kind smile on his face and...