On August 26, 1910 a baby girl was born in the city of Skopje (SKOP-eeh-eh), Macedonia. Her parents named her Agnes. They were the Bojaxhiu (boy-a-GEE-you) family and they were Albanian. Agne’s father, Nikola, owned a construction company and was on the town council....
Bedtime HistoryThe Maya Angelou Story for Kids
Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928, in St. Louis Missouri. Her full name was Margeurite, but her older brother had trouble saying her name so he started calling her “Maya” for short. Maya’s parents had trouble getting along and when she was three they divorced....
Gail Halvorsen: The Berlin Candy Bomber For Kids
We’re going to talk about one of the most difficult times in the history of the world -- World War 2. A world war is where many countries are fighting each other at the same time. Two of the countries fighting in World War 2 were America and Germany. But tonight our...