Let’s take a journey back to medieval England, a thousand years ago. It’s a land ruled by mighty kings who command vast armies, knights in shining armor, and maidens who wander the woods at night, trying to find unicorns to tame and present to the king as gifts. But...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of Dragons for Kids
Have you ever made up a magical creature in your daydreams? What would your creature be like? Would it be gentle or fierce? Friendly or unfriendly? Would it have magical powers? Maybe it would have a mix of parts from different animals, like the body of a bull, the...
The Story of The Odyssey by Homer for Kids
The Illiad In a previous story, we learned about the ancient Greek poet Homer, and his epic poem The Iliad. The Iliad told the story of the hero Achilles, and how he had to overcome his anger to help his people win the Trojan War. The Odyssey is a very different...
The Illiad by Homer for Kids
Do you like superhero movies, like Spiderman, Wonder Woman, and The Avengers? Or maybe you can’t wait for the next Star Wars movie, where you’ll get to see people go on dangerous voyages and fight in epic battles in order to fulfill their destinies. If this sounds...
History of Storytelling and the Oral Tradition for Kids
Have you ever gone camping? When you camp, you’re usually in a place where there isn't wifi or cell reception, or even electricity. You have to figure out ways to entertain yourself that don't involve movies, TV, or the internet. If you haven't been in that situation,...
The Maya Angelou Story for Kids
Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928, in St. Louis Missouri. Her full name was Margeurite, but her older brother had trouble saying her name so he started calling her “Maya” for short. Maya’s parents had trouble getting along and when she was three they divorced....