Close your eyes and imagine you’re soaring through the sky over a beautiful medieval city of red terra cotta tiles that stretch for miles in both directions. In the center of the city is a huge cathedral with spires touching the sky. A soaring bell tower stands at one...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of Leonardo da Vinci for Kids
Take a moment to think of your day... Think of some of the objects you saw: family, friends, trees, maybe a pet, or the big blue sky and white moon in the dark of night. Maybe you saw a smile and objects moving, a car speeding by, or someone kicking a ball. Most of...
The History of Glass for Kids
If you look around your house, and it’s like mine, you’ll probably notice a very common item. Jars are made out of it, some cups and bowls are made out of it, maybe a few decorations on your shelves. This is what windows are made out of and the screens on tablets and...