Close your eyes and imagine you’re soaring through the sky over a beautiful medieval city of red terra cotta tiles that stretch for miles in both directions. In the center of the city is a huge cathedral with spires touching the sky. A soaring bell tower stands at one...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of Napoleon Bonaparte for Kids
In history, there are heroes and villains. What makes someone a hero? Maybe they helped make the world a fairer place. Or they stood up when somebody was being hurt. Heroes inspire us. We love to root for them. We want to be like them. What makes somebody a villain?...
History of Queen Elizabeth I for Kids
Imagine you are a king or queen. What do you envision? Do you see yourself sitting on a throne in a gorgeous palace wearing a thick, ermine robe and big, jeweled crown? Or possibly you think of a beautiful gold carriage drawn through the streets by...
Finding Peace: A Buddhist Monk’s Journey
Tenzin awoke to the soft chimes of prayer flags fluttering in the crisp mountain breeze. He opened his eyes and rubbed them, then rolled over on his mat and looked out the open window at the sun-painted, snow-capped peaks of Tibet. Hues of pink and gold cast a warm...
History of Rudyard Kipling for Kids
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a young boy named Rudyard Kipling. He was born in the bustling city of Bombay, India, on December 30, 1865. Rudyard's life was a grand adventure from the very beginning. His parents, John and Alice Kipling, were...
Aztec Adventure: Journey to Tenochtitlan
Journey with the fictional Chantico and her family of Aztec merchants as they travel through the wilds of ancient Mexico to the bustling metropolis of Tenochtitlan. In the heart of an ancient Aztec jungle, where vibrant colored plants collided with the rolling fields...
History of Rosetta Stone for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are French soldiers in 1799, wandering through the dusty streets of Rosetta, Egypt. The hot sun beats down on your uniform, making it stick to your skin like a second layer. You feel like a detective in a desert, searching for clues...
Knights of Medieval Europe for Kids
Long, long ago in a medieval village nestled between lush green hills, lived a young and courageous knight named Sir Oliver. He was on the brink of an exciting adventure that every knight aspired to undertake: a grand jousting tournament. The tournament was a...
Tour of London for Kids
You’ve probably read a fairy tale before, right? Maybe it had a king or a queen who lived in a castle with a cool dungeon. Or maybe there was even a knight who carried a sword and rode a horse. But did you know that kings and queens and dungeons and castles don’t just...
History of Michael Jackson for Kids
You’ve probably heard of the King of England and maybe even the King of Hearts. But did you know that there was also a King of Pop Music? His name was Michael Jackson, and he was nicknamed the King of Pop by his adoring fans and the entire music industry because of...