Go back in time to a land shrouded in mist and jungles and swamps. A time hundreds of millions of years before T-Rexes stalked the Earth, growling and rumbling and crashing through thick forests. A time before Pterodactyls soared through the skies,...
Bedtime HistoryStone Portraits Across the World
When I was a little kid, I took art class in school and one of my projects was to draw a picture of my family. I was not a great artist so I did the basics: a square house and little stick figures for people. Perhaps you’ve done the same. Well, imagine if...
History of the Grand Canyon for Kids
Imagine you are walking along a trail in the desert... You have been walking for many days and are now holding your mother’s hand. Your dog is trotting along beside you. You are of the Pueblo tribe and every year visit a place that is holy to your people. You have...
History of The Rocky Mountains for Kids
Learn about the formation of the Rocky Mountain range, its exploration and National Park.
History of Money, Bartering, and Cryptocurrency for Kids
Do you have a piggy bank? Or maybe you have a glass jar in your house full of coins? You’ve probably seen your parents pay for something at the store with dollar bills – or maybe have yourself? Have you seen your parents use a credit card or pay with something using...
The Stone Age for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are walking through the forest. You hear birds whistling in the air and watch a squirrel scurry up a tree trunk. You look down at your feet. They are bare! And your clothes are rough and made out of deer skin. You move around the forest...