Close your eyes and imagine yourself outside walking with your family. It’s a chilly night and you’re bundled up in a big warm coat, a beanie covering your ears, and a cup of hot chocolate in your gloved hands. It snowed during the day and your boots are crunching as...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of Hanukkah for Kids and Families
As winter approaches, the weather turns cold and darkness comes a little earlier each day. Sometimes, things feel a little dreary, but with the move to shorter days come holidays, with their family gatherings, special foods, and once-a-year rituals. Many different...
Story of Halloween for Kids
The night is cold and blustery with a cutting wind banging against the old wooden door of a cottage, the weathered beams rattling on rusty hinges. Tall, barren trees stand stark and foreboding against a dark purple sky. Beyond the mud and thatch cottage, a...
Halloween Traditions Around the World
Autumn has arrived in many parts of the world and with it a noticeable shift in the wind. Days are shorter, nights are longer, and breezes are cooler. Deep green leaves turn flaming red, orange, and yellow before drifting slowly down to Earth. ...
Christmas Traditions Q&A | For Kids
Tell us about your favorite holiday traditions! With it being the holiday season and Christmas here in the United States and elsewhere around the world, we thought it would be fun to talk about some of the popular traditions and try and answer some of the questions we...
Winter Holiday Traditions Around the World | For Kids
Tell us about your favorite holiday traditions! Every December, people all over the world gather to celebrate the holiday season with family and friends. In the United States, in the days leading up to Christmas we decorate Christmas trees, string lights on our...
History of Stan and Jan Berenstain for Kids
The Spooky Old Tree “Three Little Bears, one with light, one with a stick, and one with a rope! A spooky, old tree! Do they dare go into that spooky old tree? Yes, they dare!” These are the opening lines from one of my favorite...
History of Christmas Trees for Kids
Learn about the origin of Christmas trees which started in ancient European times and now is a primary tradition in cultures around the world who celebrate Christmas.
Voyage of the Mayflower for Kids
Happy fall everyone! You might have noticed a sudden, slight chill in the air at night or the changing of the leaves on the trees. Maybe where you live, the leaves are changing from bright green to blazing red, orange, and yellow. In America, the...
History of the Samurai for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are in a beautiful, Japanese garden. You see a small stream leading to a calm pond covered in bright pink flowers and water lilies. The green grass around you is cut short and all of the plants and shrubbery are neatly trimmed....