Our story begins in the early 2000s with two wizards of the Internet named David Baszucki and Erik Cassel. These visionary friends loved building and creating, and they dreamt of a place where everyone could let their imagination run wild. Together, they set out on an...
Computer Science
Bedtime HistoryHistory of AI ChatBots for Kids
Chances are, you’ve heard about Artificial Intelligence, AI for short, and one of the most popular AI chatbots called Chat GPT. It’s been all over the news as each tech company works on its own AI and chatbot and business people and inventors all over the world new...
History of Bill Gates for Kids
Imagine it’s 1980 and you find yourself among a group of businessmen arriving at a small company named Microsoft. You are here to meet the company's president, a man by the name of Bill Gates. Dressed in your suit, crisp white shirt, and neatly knotted tie, you look...
History of Steve Jobs and Apple for Kids
Learn about Steve Jobs and his journey to the creation of Apple computers and modern devices such as the iPad and iPhone.
History of Nintendo: Fusajiro Yamauchi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Gunpei Yokoi and Shigeru Miyamoto For Kids
Have you ever heard of Super Mario Brothers or the Legend of Zelda? Have you ever played these games on Nintendo? Nintendo is a household name across the world, but it didn’t start out that way. And most people don’t realize the Nintendo company has been around for...
History of Money, Bartering, and Cryptocurrency for Kids
Do you have a piggy bank? Or maybe you have a glass jar in your house full of coins? You’ve probably seen your parents pay for something at the store with dollar bills – or maybe have yourself? Have you seen your parents use a credit card or pay with something using...
The Story of Grace Hopper for Kids
Has your curiosity ever gotten you in trouble? Maybe you took something apart or made a mess while you were trying to find out how it worked, or maybe you’ve asked a grown-up a question they didn’t know how to answer. If so, don’t feel bad about yourself! You have...
The History of Computer Science for Kids
What do you think about when you think of a computer? Do you have a computer in your house or at your school? What types of things do you do with it? Have you ever wondered how it works? There are many, many things you can do with a computer. ...
Tim Berners-Lee and the Invention of the Internet for Kids
How are you listening to this podcast today? On a computer, a cell phone, or a smart home device like Alexa? Whatever device you’re using, it connects to the internet. The internet is central to so many things we do today, but have you ever wondered what exactly it...
The History of Minecraft
Have you heard of Minecraft? If so, have you ever wondered how it came to be? How is a video game made and how does it grow from its first player to millions of players all over the world? Listen closely, because today you’re going to find out. The story of Minecraft...