Chances are you’ve heard of George Washington. You’ve probably seen his picture on the 1 dollar bill with his powdered white hair and serious expression. He was the first President of the United States and easily one of the most famous people from American History,...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of the Navajo Code Talkers for Kids
Today we’re going to learn about a few of the people who were born in the Navajo Nation and their adventures that started back in 1942, around 80 years ago. At this time in Europe, World War II has been raging for two years, but in the United States, people are still...
History of the Samurai for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are in a beautiful, Japanese garden. You see a small stream leading to a calm pond covered in bright pink flowers and water lilies. The green grass around you is cut short and all of the plants and shrubbery are neatly trimmed....
History of Miguel Hidalgo for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine that you are hiking through a dense jungle in Mexico. The leaves around you are thick and wet. You use a sword to chop your way ahead. Sometimes you stumble and fall on roots or get stuck in vines that block your path. The weather is...
History of Julius Caesar for Kids
Have you ever wondered what our calendar is the way it is, with 12 months and 365 days? In ancient times, many of the discoveries and inventions were made in the city of Rome. Romans invented the calendar we use today, however, it was inaccurate and did not follow the...
The History of Boudica for Kids
When you think of Great Britain, what do you think of? A modern country with a prime minister, democratic elections, and people from all over the world? Or maybe you think of the kings and queens who ruled for hundreds of years; or the royal family of today, with...
The History of Charlemagne for Kids
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a king? Would it be an easy life for a hard one? Would you just do whatever you please, or would you work to make your kingdom a better place for the people living in it? Today we’re going to learn about Charlemagne,...
The History of D-Day: Operation Overlord for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are cold and sitting in the back of the boat. The sky is cloudy and many airplanes are flying overhead. The water from the chilly ocean is splashing into your boat and as you look ahead you see a beach which you and your team of...
Nancy Wake Story for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are a soldier flying in a plane high above the ocean. Outside you hear the plane’s propellers turning and strong winds rushing past the windows. It is the middle of the night and down below the ocean is dark and cold. Sitting around you...
History of the Navy SEALs for Kids
In the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, the United States military began to train special soldiers who could move about secretly in small teams and complete special missions. This was the beginning of the Navy SEALs. Any man or woman who wants to become a Navy...