Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a young boy named Rudyard Kipling. He was born in the bustling city of Bombay, India, on December 30, 1865. Rudyard's life was a grand adventure from the very beginning. His parents, John and Alice Kipling, were...
Bedtime HistoryThe Fountain of Youth for Kids
Imagine yourself wandering through a dense jungle, the hot sun beating down on your skin. You push through the thick foliage, hacking at vines with a machete, the sweat dripping down your face. Suddenly, you come upon a clearing, and there, in the center of the...
Togo, Balto, and the Lifesaving Sled Dog Race
When I say “Super Hero,” who or what comes to mind? Do you think of Superman, Iron Man, or Wonder Woman? Maybe you think of the Black Panther, Captain America, or Thor. Well, I know some real-life heroes and they aren’t humans – they’re...
History of Grace O’Malley, Irish Pirate Queen for Kids
Today let’s have some fun and talk about pirates! Personally, whenever I hear the word “pirate,” I automatically think of Captain Hook from “Peter Pan.” Captain Hook is a mean-looking man with long black hair, a beard and mustache, an eye patch, and a hook...
History of The International Space Station for Kids
Learn about the International Space Station, from its gradual creation to its current habitat for research and space discovery.
History of Beatrice Shilling for Kids
Learn about the British motorcycle racer and talented aircraft engineer, Beatrice Shilling.
History of Sybil Ludington for Kids
Learn about Sybil Ludington, the young heroine of the American Revolution, who rode over 40 miles alone in total darkness to warn fellow New York patriots of an impending British invasion.
Teddy Roosevelt’s Childhood For Kids
Learn about the adventurous childhood of young Teddy “Teedie” Roosevelt.
History of Super Spy Elizabeth “Betty” McIntosh for Kids
Betty McIntosh Do you like to play board games? Maybe you know of some popular games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, or Trouble. Maybe you even have your own favorite board game that you play with your family. One of my favorite board games is...
History of Sally Ride for Kids
Did you ever find something you wanted to try so badly, that it was all you thought about? Maybe you wanted to hit a home run, or sing like your favorite pop star, or learn to juggle. If you tried that thing–and I hope you did, as long as it wasn’t too dangerous–you...