Journey with the fictional Chantico and her family of Aztec merchants as they travel through the wilds of ancient Mexico to the bustling metropolis of Tenochtitlan. In the heart of an ancient Aztec jungle, where vibrant colored plants collided with the rolling fields...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of the First Cities: Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley, and Yellow River Valley
Learn about some of the first large-scale cities of the Ancient World — such as Sumer, Uruk, Ur, the cities of the Indus River Valley, China, and the Andes — and the transition from Neolithic farming communities to the Bronze Age.
History of Maya Civilization for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you are hiking through a thick jungle. You use a sharp machete to cut away the vines and leaves blocking your path. You step through deep mud and cross a busy stream, then cut through another wall of trees until you reach the clearing and...