Journey with the fictional Chantico and her family of Aztec merchants as they travel through the wilds of ancient Mexico to the bustling metropolis of Tenochtitlan. In the heart of an ancient Aztec jungle, where vibrant colored plants collided with the rolling fields...
Central America
Bedtime HistoryHistory of the Caribbean for Kids
The Caribbean is made up of three main island chains. They are called the Lesser and Greater Antilles and the Bahamas. The Lesser Antilles includes a chain of islands that start at Trinidad in the south and end at the three U.S. Virgin Islands in the north. The...
History of Panama Canal for Kids
Learn about the construction of the Panama Canal, one of the great feats of engineering in modern history.
History of the First Cities: Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley, and Yellow River Valley
Learn about some of the first large-scale cities of the Ancient World — such as Sumer, Uruk, Ur, the cities of the Indus River Valley, China, and the Andes — and the transition from Neolithic farming communities to the Bronze Age.
History of Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) for Kids
Have you seen the movie Coco? If so, do you remember the song “Remember Me”? It goes “Remember me, though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don’t let it make you cry. For even if I’m far away, I hold you in my heart, I sing a secret song to you each night we are...
History of Miguel Hidalgo for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine that you are hiking through a dense jungle in Mexico. The leaves around you are thick and wet. You use a sword to chop your way ahead. Sometimes you stumble and fall on roots or get stuck in vines that block your path. The weather is...
The History of Chocolate for Kids
Who first discovered chocolate? The history of chocolate began with the ancient Olmec and Mayan peoples of Central and South America. The Mayan people were a large group of Indigenous peoples of Mexico and Central America and the ancient Olmecs lived in southern...