Learn about Jim Henson, the talented puppet designer who created the Muppets and many Sesame Street characters.
Bedtime HistoryHistory of Louis Armstrong for Kids
Have you ever noticed how different music can make you feel different things? Some music makes you feel joyful and energetic, like you need to get up and dance. Some can make you feel sad, even make you cry. Other music might make you feel calm or hopeful. Music can...
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha For Kids
Who was Siddhartha Gautama? Imagine you're a prince or a princess, living in a giant, luxurious palace. There your parents make sure that you have everything you could ever want or need: lots of toys, fine clothes, and the best education. You're surrounded by...
History of Irving Berlin for Kids
Have you ever thought about how music is made? Some of the classic hits that we all hear regularly were once ideas in someone’s head. How do these turn into the songs we hear on the radio today? Tonight we are going to learn about an immigrant named Irving...
History of Chuck Berry for Kids
Imagine you are inside of a music hall. The room is dark and a stage light is projecting down onto a red curtain. As you sit looking at the stage, a drum beat starts up. It’s loud and it’s fast and has a rhythm and blues beat. Next you hear an...
The Shirley Temple Story for Kids
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a movie star? Many people around the world dream of being famous and acting in blockbuster movies. Lots of actors work hard to build their careers and spend years trying to get even small parts on movies....
Fred Rogers Story for Kids
Can you hear that? “Ding, ding.” It’s the Neighborhood Trolley making its way back from King Friday’s castle to the Neighborhood Of Make Believe. It’s here to deliver a message to all of you about the man known as Mr. Rogers. Fred McFeely Rogers was born on March 20,...
History of Hayao Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli for Kids
Do you like animated movies? Have you ever seen Ponyo or My Neighbor Totoro? These are beautiful, hand-drawn, animated films made by Studio Ghibli and its brilliant artist and director Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki has become one of the most celebrated film animators and...