Close your eyes and imagine you are French soldiers in 1799, wandering through the dusty streets of Rosetta, Egypt. The hot sun beats down on your uniform, making it stick to your skin like a second layer. You feel like a detective in a desert, searching for clues...
Ancient History
Bedtime HistoryHistory of Competitive Running and Cross Country for Kids
Not for the first time, Charles wondered why he agreed to race today. He could have been asleep in his warm and cozy flat. Instead, he was shivering out here on the edge of the school grounds on a typical drizzly morning in England in autumn. He should have told his...
King Tut and Ancient Egypt for Kids
Our story begins in the ancient land of Egypt, one of the earliest civilizations in world history. Egypt was located in the deserts of Africa and its cities flourished around the longest river in the world, The Nile, which stretched 4,000 miles long. The Nile was used...
Stone Portraits Across the World
When I was a little kid, I took art class in school and one of my projects was to draw a picture of my family. I was not a great artist so I did the basics: a square house and little stick figures for people. Perhaps you’ve done the same. Well, imagine if...
History of the Great Wall of China for Kids
Learn about the Great Wall of China, one of the most extensive building projects and structures in the history of the world.
History of the First Cities: Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley, and Yellow River Valley
Learn about some of the first large-scale cities of the Ancient World — such as Sumer, Uruk, Ur, the cities of the Indus River Valley, China, and the Andes — and the transition from Neolithic farming communities to the Bronze Age.
History of the Antikythera Mechanism for Kids
Have you ever come across something odd, and wondered what it was supposed to do? Did you wish you could open it up and find out what was inside? In 1900, a team of divers went looking for sponges off the coast of Greece. But what they found proved to be much,...
History of the Indus River Valley Civilization for Kids
Have you ever dug a hole somewhere outside, hoping you’d find something ancient and mysterious? How would you know what it was, who it belonged to, or how old it was? These are questions that archeologists ask all the time, as they carefully dig through layers of...
History of Unicorns for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a beautiful forest. It’s late in the evening, and you’ve decided to take a calming walk through the trees. You see a shape moving through the trees ahead, rustling the leaves as it leans down to drink from a pond. The silvery...
History of Skyscrapers for Kids
Have you ever looked out your car window to see the towers of a big city stretching up, up, almost impossibly high, like jagged teeth against the sky? It’s hard to imagine how people built these massive buildings, many over a thousand feet high, but even harder to...