Not for the first time, Charles wondered why he agreed to race today. He could have been asleep in his warm and cozy flat. Instead, he was shivering out here on the edge of the school grounds on a typical drizzly morning in England in autumn. He should have told his...
Bedtime HistoryHistory of the Big Ben Clock Tower for Kids
Do you like riddles? I know I do and I have a tricky one for you today. What is over 300 feet tall, has a pointy cap, eight hands, and four faces? Did you guess a monster, a space creature, or a huge robot? Nope, guess again. Need some...
History of Queen Victoria for Kids
Learn about Victoria, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland, and the great progress that took place during what became known as Victorian England.
History of William and Caroline Herschel for Kids
Do you have a brother or sister? Younger or older, you probably know that siblings can be complicated. They can be annoying at times, but they can also be a lot of fun. They’re around when your friends can’t be. They can team up with you to lobby your parents for...
Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II for Kids
You may be aware of a very historic event that took place this last week. Queen Elizabeth II of The United Kingdom passed away on Thursday at the age of 96 after reigning as queen for 70 years! The next longest-reigning king of queen of England was Queen Victoria, her...
History of Dippy the Dinosaur
Every summer, a wonderful holiday called the “4th of July” is celebrated in America and it is a joyous time filled with parties and barbecues, and street parades to celebrate America’s independence from Britain in 1776. And do you know another historic event...
History of King George VI of England
Close your eyes and imagine you’re flying across oceans and meadows, rolling green hills, and winding roads to a peaceful kingdom, the country of England. It’s the early 1900’s and England is a beautiful island with grand palaces, sleepy little towns, a king and...
History of the Industrial Revolution for Kids
Listen to the audio Take a look around the room you’re in right now... Do you see many things that you or a family member made with their own hands? Maybe you have a special baby blanket that someone knitted for you, or a few art projects hanging on the wall, but I’m...
History of J.R.R. Tolkien for Kids
Do you ever imagine your own worlds, where you meet strange creatures, fight goblins, or go on heroic quests? Maybe you’ve given your world a name, drawn maps of it, named and drawn the creatures who live there or even invented languages spoken there. Maybe you’ve...
History of Florence Nightingale for Kids & Families
Close your eyes and imagine you’re a soldier in a war. But you’re not on the battlefield. Instead, you’re lying in bed recovering from injuries you received in battle. The room is pitch black and it’s been a long night, and you are very uncomfortable. You are sad and...