If you look around your house, and it’s like mine, you’ll probably notice a very common item. Jars are made out of it, some cups and bowls are made out of it, maybe a few decorations on your shelves. This is what windows are made out of and the screens on tablets and...
Bedtime HistoryThe Stan Lee Story for Kids
Have you ever seen the movies Spiderman, Fantastic Four or X-Men or read any of these comics? Did you know that these were all written by the same man? He was a very talented writer from New York named Stan Lee. This is the story of his life and how...
History of Hayao Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli for Kids
Do you like animated movies? Have you ever seen Ponyo or My Neighbor Totoro? These are beautiful, hand-drawn, animated films made by Studio Ghibli and its brilliant artist and director Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki has become one of the most celebrated film animators and...