Betty McIntosh Do you like to play board games? Maybe you know of some popular games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, or Trouble. Maybe you even have your own favorite board game that you play with your family. One of my favorite board games is...
Bedtime HistoryPlatinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II for Kids
You may be aware of a very historic event that took place this last week. Queen Elizabeth II of The United Kingdom passed away on Thursday at the age of 96 after reigning as queen for 70 years! The next longest-reigning king of queen of England was Queen Victoria, her...
History of Unicorns for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a beautiful forest. It’s late in the evening, and you’ve decided to take a calming walk through the trees. You see a shape moving through the trees ahead, rustling the leaves as it leans down to drink from a pond. The silvery...
History of Louis Pasteur for Kids
Have you ever seen the word “pasteurized” on a carton of milk? You might think it means something about pastures – big grassy fields where animals graze. That’s usually how people pronounce it. But while it’s nice to think of the cows that gave us the milk sunning...
History of Sophie Germain for Kids
In the middle of the eighteenth century, change was in the air. New ideas about independence, how people should work and govern themselves, were spreading. Colonists in North America were fighting a revolution against British rule. In England, factories were popping...
History of Transatlantic Communication for Kids
Do you know what that sound is? Maybe you’ve heard it in a movie somewhere, but it’s not a sound you hear much anymore. It probably sounds like a lot of random beeping, but to a telegraph operator, those dits and dahs sounded like letters and numbers strung together...
History of Louis Braille for Kids
Close your eyes, spread your wings like a bird, and fly across the ocean to a land far, far away – a land of light, music, and dancing. A land filled with joyous people, beautiful art, and amazing sights. One of these sights is the Eiffel Tower! Can you guess where...
History of Jules Verne for Kids
Close your eyes and imagine you step into the basket of a hot-air balloon. You grab the sides of the basket tight as the flame ignites, adding gas to the gigantic red balloon above you. The basket lifts off the ground and suddenly you’re floating in the air, moving...
History of King George VI of England
Close your eyes and imagine you’re flying across oceans and meadows, rolling green hills, and winding roads to a peaceful kingdom, the country of England. It’s the early 1900’s and England is a beautiful island with grand palaces, sleepy little towns, a king and...
History of the Industrial Revolution for Kids
Listen to the audio Take a look around the room you’re in right now... Do you see many things that you or a family member made with their own hands? Maybe you have a special baby blanket that someone knitted for you, or a few art projects hanging on the wall, but I’m...