Imagine yourself soaring through the air, the wind rushing past as you perform incredible tricks on your skateboard. You're surrounded by cheering fans, who are in awe of your skills. As you glide down the half-pipe, the feeling of freedom and excitement is...
Time Periods
Bedtime HistoryTogo, Balto, and the Lifesaving Sled Dog Race
When I say “Super Hero,” who or what comes to mind? Do you think of Superman, Iron Man, or Wonder Woman? Maybe you think of the Black Panther, Captain America, or Thor. Well, I know some real-life heroes and they aren’t humans – they’re...
History of Pokemon
Imagine a world where interesting creatures that have powers roam free, each with their own unique abilities and personalities that you can catch and keep in a little red and white ball. These creatures are called Pokemon and you keep them in a poke ball. As a young...
Stone Portraits Across the World
When I was a little kid, I took art class in school and one of my projects was to draw a picture of my family. I was not a great artist so I did the basics: a square house and little stick figures for people. Perhaps you’ve done the same. Well, imagine if...
History of the Big Ben Clock Tower for Kids
Do you like riddles? I know I do and I have a tricky one for you today. What is over 300 feet tall, has a pointy cap, eight hands, and four faces? Did you guess a monster, a space creature, or a huge robot? Nope, guess again. Need some...
History of Jim Thorpe for Kids
Imagine it’s the summer of 1912 in the beautiful country of Sweden. It’s the Summer Olympics games and athletes have traveled across the world to come to Sweden to compete. The stands in the stadium are full of excited onlookers. The next event is a sprint and all of...
Edward Drinker Cope, Othniel Charles Marsh, and “The Bone Wars” for Kids
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Unsinkable Sam the Battleship Cat
Tonight, we’re going to hear the tale of a very special animal. One that is smart and cunning and likes to roam around at night. One with keen eyesight, superior stalking skills, and sharp claws that can quickly capture its prey. Do you know what it is? No, it’s...
History of Nikola Tesla for Kids
Tesla Car Company Have you ever heard of a Tesla car? Teslas are very fast cars, but unlike most sports cars, Teslas are electric-powered not gas-powered. Teslas are becoming very popular because they are one way to prevent carbon emissions and help the environment....
History of Stan and Jan Berenstain for Kids
The Spooky Old Tree “Three Little Bears, one with light, one with a stick, and one with a rope! A spooky, old tree! Do they dare go into that spooky old tree? Yes, they dare!” These are the opening lines from one of my favorite...