
Bedtime History

History of Super Spy Elizabeth “Betty” McIntosh for Kids

Betty McIntosh Do you like to play board games?  Maybe you know of some popular games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, or Trouble.  Maybe you even have your own favorite board game that you play with your family.  One of my favorite board games is...

History of Sally Ride for Kids

Did you ever find something you wanted to try so badly, that it was all you thought about? Maybe you wanted to hit a home run, or sing like your favorite pop star, or learn to juggle. If you tried that thing–and I hope you did, as long as it wasn’t too dangerous–you...

History of Nintendo: Fusajiro Yamauchi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Gunpei Yokoi and Shigeru Miyamoto For Kids

Have you ever heard of Super Mario Brothers or the Legend of Zelda? Have you ever played these games on Nintendo? Nintendo is a household name across the world, but it didn’t start out that way. And most people don’t realize the Nintendo company has been around for...

History of Benjamin Banneker for Kids

Have you ever been given a chore to do, but found yourself doing something very different to get through it? Sometimes, jobs you have to do can be a bit boring. But you can make them fun by playing little games while you do them. Maybe you arrange your shirts into the...
